Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Six-Word Memoirs

After hearing a radio interview some time ago, I have become a big fan of the Six-Word Memoir. The concept comes from the website of Smith Magazine, a literary publication that allows writers to submit their personal stories in six words. Apparently, the basis of the idea came from a story about Ernest Hemingway - when challenged to write a story in six words, he came up with this: "For sale, baby shoes, never worn."

Earlier this year, my eighth graders tried out the process and came up with some gems. It can be a challenge to make meaning in so few words, but they did so in creative and touching ways.

This week, I posted some of them on a bulletin board and will invite students and guests to add more. (Leave one in the Comments section and it will go up on the board.) I love the activity because it really engages students with content and meaning without being bogged down much by the mechanics of writing. Consequently, students who may normally struggle with certain elements of writing longer pieces get to shine in this format.

1 comment:

Michael J. Corso, Ph.D. said...

They feared nothing in this world.