Monday, January 4, 2010

Back In Touch

Midterms, the holidays and New Year's are now past and we face the cold winter months ahead. Even though the calendar says this is a new year and a new decade, those of us in education feel differently. It's still the old year, it was just on hiatus.

There are some benefits to a long break in the school year as we have just experienced. The classroom is a little less cluttered, there is renewed energy for assessing and working towards goals, and there has been time to add perspective to our planning and teaching.

An early 2010 benefit is the opportunity to attend a talk by Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New Mind, who will be promoting his new book on motivation. Though not an educator, Pink's writing has influenced my thoughts how we should be teaching kids today, and even inspired me to create a wiki for teachers based on his work. Alas, it has lain fallow for some time, but maybe the combination of a new year and a talk on motivation will inspire me to push this website forward.

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