Sunday, August 24, 2008

Literacy & Social Life

Just wanted to share an idea on promoting literacy – organize a book swap.

Yesterday we hosted over two dozen friends and family for a potluck dinner, and asked everybody to bring some books they were done reading to trade. The response was positive and we had a great time with the social interactions, but especially pleasing was the chance to promote literacy.

An obvious benefit was the opportunity to pick up new (to you) books for free, while clearing out shelf space at home. But you also have the advantage of being able to ask about a particular book before selecting it – a more in-depth way of making a judgment than relying on the cover.

Having an event like this makes it clear that you value reading, and want others to share your values. What a great message for kids! Hosting a sleepover? . . . bring books to trade as the ‘cost’ of attending.

Even if you can’t hold an event, it would not take much effort nor space in a workplace or classroom to create a book swap area for all to enjoy. Celebrating and modeling literacy are great promotional tools.

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